Friday, September 13, 2019

Mock Interview Reflection

I feel like I learned a lot about myself during this mock interview. I have had about four formal interviews, two of them not really working out in my favor. Because of this, I kind of thought that I was not good at interviewing, which made me very hesitant about future job applications. I learned that I actually am good at interviewing, or at least average. I definitely walked away feeling more confident about future job applications. I think one thing that went well was that I think I answered every question professionally while still acting like myself. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people expect interviewees to have “standard answers” that don’t really show an individual’s personality. I was really proud that I was able to showcase my personality while still presenting myself in a professional manner. One thing I think I could have done better is take a second to really think about what I was going to say and then answer the question in the most logical sequence. When asked about my future goals, I answered my long-term goal first and then my short-term, which really did not make sense. I only did this because I thought of my long-term goal first, but if I would have just taken a second to think it out, I could have answered it chronologically which would have been more logical of a response. In the future, I hope to continue to have this confidence and build upon it to present myself in the best light.

Mock Interview Reflection

I feel like I learned a lot about myself during this mock interview. I have had about four formal interviews, two of them not really work...