Friday, April 20, 2018

Multiple Sclerosis

I recently watched a YouTube video entitled “Multiple Sclerosis- Breea’s Story”. I chose this video because I actually have a friend from high school who was diagnosed with MS and I unfortunately never really learned what it was. Her symptoms were not as severe at Breea’s and now she has it well maintained with medication. The video followed an 18-year-old former cheerleader’s journey of recovery after her diagnosis of MS. Within 24 hours, Breea went from a high school cheerleader ready to graduate to completely paralyzed on her left side, blind in her left eye, and unable to swallow or speak. She was then diagnosed with severe onset of Multiple Sclerosis and spent over a month in the hospital working with many different therapists. After watching this, I decided to follow Breea on social media to continue to see her progress and to keep getting educated on MS and the side effects that it can bring that someone may never think of.

I think that what I really took from this was a better understanding of what MS is. I knew it was a terrible disease, but because my only experience with it was not very severe, I just figured that most cases were like my friend’s. As a future occupational therapist, it was really cool to see Breea getting back to doing what she originally wanted to. When in the hospital, her therapists took her bowling, made Toaster Strudels, and her parents took her to the beach. By month 8, at home, Breea was beginning to start some basic gymnastics again which is something that was really important to her and she hopes to be able to cheer again one day. Breea’s story is very inspiring for anyone who has paralysis on one side. She showed a resilience and motivation to get back t what was meaningful to her and return to her high school, go to prom, and graduate. Breea said in the video that there is “no time to waste, life can change so suddenly” which is sadly so true. I think a lot of time, I get so focused on my future and what I have to do to prepare for it that I forget to enjoy the now when really, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Breea actually wrote in her college admissions essay that she cannot live her life feeling sorry for herself, because that will not heal her. This should make most people take a step back from their lives, realize how blessed they are, and stop feeling so sorry for themselves. Everyone is going through something hard, we just have to keep pushing through the hard times to get to the good. I would highly recommend watching this video to anyone who needs a little motivation or to someone who does not know a lot about the side effects of Multiple Sclerosis.

B. (2012, September 08). Multiple Sclerosis-Breea's Story.wmv. Retrieved from

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