Friday, June 14, 2019

Fieldwork C Debriefing Video

Well, my lack of tech savvy skills is really haunting me because I was not able to figure out how to upload it directly to my blog. However, I believe this should work! I can't wait to see everyone in July and hear about your last two weeks! Here is the link to my video, if there is a problem, please just let me know!


  1. Rachel,
    I am so glad you had a great experience! I was in acute care on my last rotation so I understand completely about trying to get the client to the next discharge environment and working towards that by using ADL training. I love that you had a moment with one of your clients on the first day that reminded you of why OT's do what they do! I had several moments like that on my rotation as well. I loved hearing about your experience. Have a wonderful summer!

  2. Rachel,
    Your video was very sweet! I loved hearing about your experience at Methodist University. I have not gotten to experience acute care, so I was very intrigued by your experience! I have often wondered about OTs actual treatment responsibility in acute care because I've heard a rumor that OTs mostly do eval and the COTAs will treat. It's great to hear that is not the case at Methodist University! I'm so happy that you're confident in your desire to become and OT and had an experience that justified that choice. Great job! Miss you and HAGS.


Mock Interview Reflection

I feel like I learned a lot about myself during this mock interview. I have had about four formal interviews, two of them not really work...